Saturday, February 13, 2010

Organize and Clean up

I went to organize my craft area. I had completely removed everything from my space. I was getting it all pretty so that I can be creative again. Well I put up my 10x10 tent on our deck. During the first 2 days it rained. I tried to do my best to keep everything dry. Well for some reason at that time everything was okay except for my book collection. Some of the books were soaked. I could not believe it. Well I was able to go back and look at my books and see what the damage is and it looks like I have lost about $300 in books. This is so depressing. My space is looking great, but I have to go through and make sure that there is no more mold from my moist materials. I am getting there and it is almost done (not really) But I had to bring the last of the stuff in the house from the tent yesterday. I the wind was kicking around pretty hard and the next thing I know was my son letting me know that something had fell on the deck. When I went out to the tent the wind had blown over my table which had stuff on it and there was glass all over the place. I was going to wait till Sunday afternoon to finish getting everything together. So now my dining room table is stacked with stuff. So now I have to really get myself on track. Off to work tonight and early to organize the space.

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